Reborn DVD



6101 - DVD: Art of Newborning Engelstalig

6101 - DVD: Art of Newborning Engelstalig

Highly detailed training with many close ups!
€ 24.95

6103 - DVD: Rooting Your Baby Engelstalig

6103 - DVD: Rooting Your Baby Engelstalig

Learn how to micro root hair like the pros.
€ 19.95

6109 - DVD: Art of Sculpting 6`` Babies Training Engelstalig

6110 - DVD: Course #1: Mini Engelstalig

6110 - DVD: Course #1: Mini Engelstalig

Reborn a Mini 6" Baby
€ 19.95

6111 - DVD: Course #2: Preemie Engelstalig

6111 - DVD: Course #2: Preemie Engelstalig

Reborn a Preemie baby
€ 18.95

6113 - DVD: Making Artdolls with Jack Johnston Engelstalig

6113 - DVD: Making Artdolls with Jack Johnston Engelstalig

Jack demonstrates how to make a artdoll
€ 21.95

6114 - DVD: Making Mini Babies with Kellie Beckett Engelstalig

6114 - DVD: Making Mini Babies with Kellie Beckett Engelstalig

Learn the entire process of making a full mini baby
€ 21.95

6107 - DVD: Special Reborn Technique Encyclopedia Part 1 Engelstalig

6107 - DVD: Special Reborn Technique Encyclopedia Part 1 Engelstalig

Secrist has created a video encyclopedia series called Special Reborn Technique Encyclopedia
€ 19.95

6108 - DVD: beginners Newborning Spaanstalig

6108 - DVD: beginners Newborning Spaanstalig

Now Spanish and Portuguese reborners can learn the art of newborning.
€ 19.95
