

Secrist catalog (USA)

Welcome to the world of doll magazines 

 All illustrated magazines and catalog can be sent as a letter mail

Notice: Due to copyright protection all DVDs, Magazine, Special Technique Tutorials and all technique guides are non-returnable. These products may not be returned for a refund. Defective products may be exchanged only (no refunds or credits) for exactly the same title returned. 

1003 - Catalog-Book 2010/2011

1003 - Catalog-Book 2010/2011

Secrist Tutorial Catalog
€ 6.50

1002 - Catalog  2009

1002 - Catalog 2009

Secrist Tutorial Catalog
€ 3.75

1001 - Catalog  2008

1001 - Catalog 2008

Secrist Tutorial Catalog
€ 2.75
