Reborn Baby Kits




A Realborn® is a Real Baby Replica, created directly from computer photometric scans of a precious real newborn baby. The beauty, innocence and soul of the newborn child is captured like never before in these stunning, heaven sent creations-- the most beautiful and perfect canvas ever offered to the reborn world!

Virtually every sweet baby fold, wrinkle and crease of the head, ears, eyes, nose, fingers, feet, and toes are captured with this technology. Then small details are carefully checked to assure the detail will transfer over beautifully into the vinyl. Then a 3D prototype print is created using one of the highest resolution 3D printers on the market today. From the 3d prototype print, the molds for the most perfect reborn artists’ canvas (the Realborn® vinyl doll parts) are created.

AW306724 - Dollkit 16  - Brooklyn Awake

AW306724 - Dollkit 16 - Brooklyn Awake

Sculpt van Realborn
€ 86.90

AW306738 - Dollkit 20  - Harlow Sleeping

AW306738 - Dollkit 20 - Harlow Sleeping

Sculpt van Realborn
€ 84.90

AW306753 - Dollkit 18  - James awake

AW306753 - Dollkit 18 - James awake

Sculpt van Realborn
€ 84.90

AW306753 - Dollkit 18  - James Sleeping

AW306753 - Dollkit 18 - James Sleeping

Sculpt van Realborn
€ 79.90

AW306710 - Dollkit 18  - Joseph awake

AW306710 - Dollkit 18 - Joseph awake

Sculpt van Realborn
€ 79.90

AW306723 - Dollkit 16  - June Awake

AW306723 - Dollkit 16 - June Awake

Sculpt van Realborn
€ 84.90

AS306711 - Dollkit 16  - Kelsey Sleeping - UITVERKOCHT

AS306712 - Dollkit 18  - Ever Sleeping - UITVERKOCHT

AS306712 - Dollkit 18 - Ever Sleeping - UITVERKOCHT

Sculpt van Realborn
- Sold out -

AS306717 - Dollkit 18  - Ashley  Sleeping - UITVERKOCHT

AS306752 - Dollkit 19  - Chase  Sleeping - UITVERKOCHT

AS306752 - Dollkit 19 - Chase Sleeping - UITVERKOCHT

Sculpt van Realborn
- Sold out -
